Write For Us

Write For Us

Hello, fellow writers! 

We’re glad you’ve chosen to write a guest post for The Countdown List. We understand that the internet is a crowded space where gaining recognition instantly is nothing but a wishful dream.

As writers helping other writers, we’d be happy to lend you a hand by publishing your content on our platform, giving our readers an opportunity to discover you. To make this prospect a win-win for everyone, we’ll quickly walk you through everything you should know about the process. 

Let’s get started!


The first rule to writing is knowing who you are writing for. You can’t expect your writing to all 8 billion people in the world at once!

Luckily for you, The Countdown List publishes content in seven diverse niches, with each niche driving a dedicated reader community of its own. Our broad umbrella paves the way for a broader, more widespread reach of your content. 

Here are the categories currently live on the website:

For more ideas about what to write about, you can visit these individual pages and figure out what topic you’d be best able to express yourself in. 

We share with our reader’s blogs that answer all their questions at once. Therefore, make sure your piece is well-researched and has a word count anywhere between 1000-1500 words. 

The human touch in our blogs drives readers to this space. We have a strict no-plagiarism policy with several paid checker tools in place to avoid publishing content that’s not 100% original. 

A visual touch always adds to the appeal of content, which is why we encourage our writers to include them where they see fit. You’re free to do the same as long as your pictures are original and do not violate any copyright issues. 


As a writer, we’re all habituated to doing our homework before we start writing a blog; we’d expect nothing less of you. A thorough look at the blogs published on The Countdown List will give you a clear idea of the format we follow. We’d recommend you stick to the same format for quick and hassle-free approval. 

Once you’ve written and proofread your content, it’s wise to run a secondary check to avoid any slips or errors. Don’t worry; we’re not asking you to purchase tools. Free tools like Yoast SEO and Grammarly are decent preliminary checkers; we’ll do the rest. 



If your blog is edited and ready to share, what else are you waiting for? Here’s the form you need to fill up in order to submit your work to us. 

Apart from the link, we’d also need a few other details from you to highlight your contribution and give our readers a chance to know you.

Here’s all we need: 

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Bio (within 35-45 words)
  • Link to social handles (if any)
  • Link to your content (in an editable Google Doc file)
  • Any comments you’d like to add


Curious about what happens once we’ve received your work? First things first, it’ll go through an editorial check and review. If it matches the quality standards at The Countdown List, our team will reach out and inform you about the same.

If more polish or enhancement is required, the editor will share their suggestions and comments with you on the Doc file. The entire process can take over two weeks; we ask you to be patient throughout this period. 

While we can’t give you a fixed date for your blog to go live, we will reach out to you 24 hours prior to that ourselves! 

After all, we’re as just excited about your contribution to The Countdown List as you are. 

Looking forward to reading your work!

The Countdown List Team